Everything Kenneth

Monday, November 24, 2008

Fort Collins

I don't know if anyone even reads this thing anymore. It's been a long time since I've posted anything so I think it's time for an update. Especially since I moved to Fort Collins Nov. 11. Since them I've been having a great time meeting new folks and discovering some of the cool new things Fort Collins has to offer. So here's the Fort Collins Top 10 things Kenny has discovered since moving in no particular order:

10. I live in a cold house. 3 dudes living in a large house don't really have the desire to shell out the bucks for the extra degrees. Ladies be warned, wear a sweater if you come visit in the winter.

9. The box has a spot in the garage with a garage door opener and remote. This is a big adjustment for our relationship. In many ways I think it's similar to an old folks home for my car. I mean, after 20 years on the road, she deserves a nice warm, dry spot to fade away.

8. We have a 16 ft. Shuffleboard table, pool table, ping pong table, and fuse ball table.

7. I have cable TV for the first time in my life.

6. I can see Long's Peak on my drive to work.

5. Micro-brews are really cool here. Sorry PBR.

4. My previous roommate did not clean the bathroom for over a year.

3. No one who lives here is actually from Colorado. Well, at least a lot of the folks my age that I've met.

2. Biking is cool. Like really, really cool. I've never been in a town with more bike lanes. It's really pretty sweet.

1. I don't have to sort my recycling.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Images of Excess

A fascinating little video I saw on the internet today that brings up all kinds of questions and some compelling images.

The Story of a String

So I received this little jewel from a friend in email form this morning beside the warm glow of my computer screen. Enjoy...

"I'm eating cherries. Everytime I eat cherries, I think of you and your accident along a highway somewhere in Washington state. I've told your story various times.
Most recently, I told it go a group of people at work. We had just had a conversation about nipple piercing. One of my coworkers just had this done. Another one of my coworkers has a friend who had his nipple pierced, and afterward there was a little white thing coming out of the nipple. It was bothering him for a while so he decided to pull it off. But when he pulled on it, more came out, and more and more, until soon he had a 5" white stringy thing dangling from his nipple. So he decided to do what any logical person with a white string hanging from their nipple might do (why didn't he decide to go to the doctor at this point, we'll never know). He cut it off. When cut the little white string, which was apparently a nerve, he lost all bowel and bladder function instantaneously. In other words, he shit his pants. The good news is that it was a temporary problem, and rumor has it he doesn't need to wear diapers today."

Monday, June 9, 2008

SF Payette Boatercross

So I entered my first kayaking competition ever. It was a lot of fun and it was really good to challenge myself by doing it. Basically, it was a race down Staircase Rapid on the South Fork of the Payette River. A class IV section of whitewater. Here's how it worked. 4 boaters raced at the same time down the rapid and the top two of each heat advanced to the next round. My goals going in were 1) Not to swim out of any holes and 2) To make it to the second round. Well, I guess I was 1 for 2 because although I didn't swim out of any holes and I didn't make it to the second round. Can't wait to do something like this again.

Monday, March 31, 2008


So I made a piece of art just because I wanted to and I surprised myself by actually liking it when I was done. So here it is. Maybe I'll write about the inspiration for it another time.

So...the last art class I took was in junior high...I put this together because I found myself wanting to make something and I was thinking a lot about art at the time. Those of you who know me, probably won't be surprised by this impulsive need I have to create something. Sometimes anything. This week I've been making bread. (It's really good by the way)

But I made this piece of art as a representation of some of the places my mind and heart have been this past year. I've found myself trying to order all the questions I sometimes have and all of the possible answers floating out there into a nice, neat orderly place. It's been exhausting. And I've been missing one very important part in the equation. It's not up to me to figure out all the right answers all at once, all right now, all before I continue to take steps of faith in my life. Before I continue to love God and others. Instead, I believe it's up to me to continue to walk in faith, trusting what I still know, and holding the questions I have before God with an open hand, and accepting that his love for me is much greater than any of the questions I might have on any given day. I guess I say that, because when I stepped back, I realized all along I haven't been questioning that God loves me. And I realized, that if I wasn't questioning that, there was no point in using a lot of my secondary questions as excuses to be, in general, a pretty self-consumed and not very fun person to be around.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Musical Promiscuity

A good friend of mine and I were talking a bit recently about break-ups and some of the reason's they suck and some of the things you learn. We both agreed that one of the worst things about a good break-up is the tainting of all the good music that you've enjoyed together. I mean really, our youth pastors should have let us in on the devastating effects of giving too many good songs away to spurious romances during all those abstinence talks we got growing up. Maybe musical and sexual abstinence aren't totally on the same level, but for real, can you imagine getting married and having no truly great songs left to share!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I want to come back...

So a friend of mine recently turned me on to a blog and radio talk show dude named Steve Brown. You may already know of him, but I didn't. So check him out if you want at here.

Here's a quote from his website that might get you interested.

I just can’t go there and be faithful to what I believe, experience and see in almost everyone. People who go down the path of obsessive obedience and faithfulness almost always hit a wall and go through horrible disappointment, darkness and pain. Once they’ve been there and failed…

…they often don’t come back.

I honestly believe in radical freedom that comes from God’s unconditional and unbelievable mercy and grace, and the imputation of Christ’s righteousness. That freedom sometimes offends others, sometimes it increases sin for a season, and sometimes it looks skewed and out of the box. But those who know it…

…always come back.

rest of story here