Saturday, January 26, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

Chick Magnet

Recently, a good friend of mine tried to convince me that I need to buy a new car. This happened after we(my car and I) were blindsided by the car demons with a three-pronged, attack consisting of a failing CV joint, broken exhaust pipe, and a bad starter or battery. For the record, I own a 1988, not too shiny but ever so faithful, Honda Civic Hatchback. It was as if he had been withholding his thoughts and waiting for the perfect opportunity to present them. Either way, in the midst of our conversation when I was faithfully and fervently defending my loyalty to my failing machine, the comment, "You know it's not much of a chick magnet." was made. Which I of course responded to by saying, "What are you talking about, there isn't a better chick magnet out there!" Realizing that the rest of the world might thing I'm crazy, I've decided to present the following reasons why my car is, indeed a chick magnet.

1. 40 miles per gallon - Translation - Here's a guy who cares about the environment. Which of course is all the rage these days. That's right ladies, there's more than just talk to this guy, there's fuel efficiency as well. Just think, if he cares about the environment, what would it be like if he cared about me. Talk is cheap.

2. It's cozy - Translation - Feel free to go for one of those slick guys who drive one of those oversized SUVs with gigantic cup holders, reclining lazy boy seats, and huge arm rests. But when it comes time to get close to your man, you're gonna need to do quite a lot of work. In my ride, close happens by default.

3. It's old - Translation - Cars are like houses. If you're one of those pick from six models, vinyl siding, sub-division type people you probably got the wrong guy. But if you're looking for that one of a kind, full of character, maybe with a few (or quite a few) quirks, old school house that screams there's only one like me. Then you've got the right guy here.

4. It's a bit ruff - Translation - It needs a ladies touch. Let's face it girls, get in one of those ever so shiny new cars, and all the details are already ironed out. Where's the fun in that.

5. Ok, it's 20 years old - Translation - It's got experience. You can go out with one of those acne induced, pubescent cars, or you can go out with a car that's had some time to mature. You know, time to work out the kinks, really figure out what he wants, choose some direction in life, and really knows how to treat a lady.

6. Small Engine - Translation - This cars made to go the distance. Nice and steady. No fear of quick burnouts like those other rides
that initially jerk your head back, and appear to have the ability to really wow you until it is clear that they have given you their very best in under 6 seconds.

7. And finally, no translation needed, it's gotta be love if she's going out with me in that thing, cause I admit it's probably not scoring me any points.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Wandering highlights

Over the last 5 weeks I’ve been on quite a journey. I got to spend 2 weeks at L’Abri in Minnesota, be home for Christmas, and spend some time at the Navigator headquarters in Colorado Springs. Here’s a list of the Top 10 things I learned along the way, in no particular order.

  1. “Minnesota Nice” is real. Apparently drivers smile and wave at you even if you cut them off very blatantly.
  2. Move over cross stitch, knitting is cool. I made a scarf, a hat, and am now making another scarf and hat. Please feel free to just get it over with and make fun of me at this point.
  3. Lake Erie Steelhead season is in the middle of the winter. I actually caught one of the behemoths that was 23 inches. Special thanks to Troutslayer for outfitting me.
  4. I cannot sing. Proven by my spectacularly awful performance playing Rock Band on Xbox 360.
  5. A true cup of tea involves PG Tips, milk, and sugar. Special thanks to Jock McGregor.
  6. Pittsburgh has lots of very cool old buildings with lots of character and a sunny day means it’s not raining.
  7. Pajama suits are back in style, at least in my head.
  8. How to make a pie crust from scratch
  9. I like music by Griffin House, The National, Band of Horses, and Brett Dennen
  10. Flight of the Concords is rather funny. Check out youtube
Today I'm trying to clean up my room but really procrastinating. I left it in quite a mess...